
hi! feel free to call me simply 'yisangmun'. My sign-off is -🌙.
Yi Sang and all art used is credited to Project Moon, and this depiction has no association with them.
"I am Yi Sang. My name is all I have to say. To take interest in the outside world is not quite a delightful thing, dear reader. It is because the outside is unideal. However, even if you were to question me about what is ideal —I have little confidence that I could come up with an ideal answer."

blogwide guidelines

   NO. 1.
Seeing as this s a SFW account, please don't send explicit content in either interactions or asks. Jokes and innuendos are allowed. However, before you do either of these things, be sure you've checked with those potentially involved in the interaction if they are comfortable with it.
   NO. 2.
This is an account that utilizes shipping (with one canonical ship already in motion). Please do not harrass any individual(s) over ships, for any reason. Do not send asks pushing for certain ships or denouncing others. If you are a no-sharing yumeshipper, please DNI with ship content. However, this does not mean that yumeshippers aren't allowed (quite the opposite! I may not explicitly play into your yume, but I try to be as open a space as possible, and avoid blocking others when I can).
As an additional comment, this account is a mlm shipping account, for the comfort of the mun. It also prioritizes on MeurSang (🌇✒️), HeathSang (⛈️✒️), and HeathMeurSang (⛈️🌇✒️). However, other mlm ships can be interacted with.

   No. 3.
Supports, participates, tolerates, or justify any basic DNI criteria.
(Additionally, any supporters of the PMUA/KGCS, please DNI. Even if you are still a fan of Project Moon, I find the actions of the Korean Game Consumer Society to be abhorrent and would not like them associated with my account. Support Project Moon).
  No. 4.
Despite my want to be as open as possible, there are some pairings I dislike doing. Primarily, I am not a Yi Sang/Sang Yi shipper. Other League of Nine ships are also somewhat iffy, though it's situational. Glorifying the current state of Yi Sang/Gubo is a no-go, however. TLDR; they are allowed to be his League of Evil Exes if you so wish, and nothing more.

  • penname :     salem/yisangmun

  • pronouns :     he/they

  • timezone :     eastern daylight time

Yi Sang

•   name   :   Yi Sang
•   gender   :  ???, he / him
•   orientation   :   mlm
•   species   :   human
•   occupation   :   Limbus Company Sinner
•   eyes   : Left ( ) Right ( )
•   height   :   5'9
•   weight   :
•   traits   :   Ruminating
•   likes   :   (burnt) potatoes, flowers, wings (both literal and metaphorical), both companions and coworkers alike, and the blue sky.
•   dislikes   : closed spaces, certain dr/gs, and fire.

•   birthplace   :  S Corp. Backstreets
•   current residence   :   Limbus Company Bus
•   nuclear family   :
•   extended family   :
•   in-laws   :
•   significant other   :   Patrice Meursault
+ ATTRIBUTES : Yi sang is a quiet and mellow man. Though he likes talking, he is often not given the opportunity, due to others misunderstanding him. When he does speak, however, his words are often obscure and delivered monotonously. He's rather eccentric and sentimental, shown to develop random attachments to things even if they are detrimental to his health. Despite their differences, he tries to keep the group in good spirits however he can, and often shows appreciation for those he considers his companions.

Fan Identities

   N Corp. Yi Sang.
Having never fled N Corp., Yi Sang remains a researcher under Gubo and Hermann's thumb, continuously working on the mirror technology assigned to him. Sang Yi has long since left his side, under the threat of his own life after witnessing Yi Sang o/d in front of his very eyes. Yi Sang believes he has destroyed the Mirror Worlds, even if he is subtly aware in the back of his mind that this is not true. If it is insinuated that he failed in this mission, however, he is sent into spirals of panic. His body is noticably even weaker than LCB Yi Sang's, from the poor nutrition and the pills Gubo feeds him. Despite Gubo's dangers, Yi Sang is very attached to him, believing him to be his only friend.

   Distorted Yi Sang.
Known as "The Unchanged" or "The Shattered Mirror", Yi Sang into his Distorted form is an entity consisting of broken mirror shards suspended in the air by chains. He can only speak by mimicking and repeating the sounds of those who have previously spoken to him, and his appearance can only reflect those addressing him. It is unclear exactly when, why and how he distorted, however, it was likely some time during Canto 4, or any other instance in which Yeonsim/his Mirror is seen being abused, misused, or otherwise fallen into the wrong hands. He believes himself to have no freedom or will, only existing for others' needs, and thus remaining entirely stagnant himself.

   Every Yi Sang.
A reflection of Every Catherine and the counterpart to Erlking/Erlpoet Yi Sang. Every Yi Sang, like Every Catherine, encomapsses every possible Yi Sang Identity. While Erlpoet Yi Sang aims to destroy every creator of Yeonsim (the Mirror) in order to prevent its later abuse, Every Yi Sang attempts to encompass every Mirror World to prevent their potential meddling or destruction at the hands of N Corp.. He has an association with winter months, being the time when crops and flora wither and die away, and is the only Yi Sang to not terribly bottle his emotions. Rather, the feelings of all the Yi Sangs inside him tip him over the edge, making him tempermental.

Notable Figures

@/meursaultsinner.bsky.social. Patrice Meursault. Yi Sang's current lover. Please contact/interact with the mun for more information!@/hearse-08.bsky.social. Ishmael. Unfortunately enjoys utilizing Yi Sang as a therapist. Was off-handedly (and comedically) responsible for a random Distortion event. One of multiple Ishmael accounts. Please contact/interact with the mun for more information!

@/wonderillusion06.bsky.social. Hong Lu. Arguably Yi Sang's closest friend within Limbus Company. One of multiple Hong Lu accounts. Contact/interact with the mun for more information!@/saguinestrokeid.bsky.social. Ring Pointilist Student Yi Sang. A Mirror version of Yi Sang, an Identity from the Ring syndicate. Contact/interact with the mun for more information!

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